Saturday, February 12, 2011

Group Essay Collaboration

1. I haven't changed much in my paragraph. I did forget the conclusion so i do have to add that but that shouldn't really change anything in your paragraphs. What transitions did you guys use? I said "To start off bieing dishonest about your about identity is used by many of the characters to open different doors of oppertunity for pleasure." We have to make sure our sepreate topic sentences are the same as what we put in the introduction.

2. Chase- Did you type up the final draft of the conclusion?

Bobbee- What concrete detail did you use for your last one?


  1. Sorry it had a real weird post fail, I was signed in as 2 google accounts and apparently that isn't allowed on the internet, and google got real screwy. I got internal server errors and some crazy stuff. Anyways, did you give me the conclusion? The last thingI remember is you saying that there is a template for it and you have to make it fit or something...

  2. I sent it to you via email before class was over on Friday.
