Poetry is deffinatly my thing. I enjoy reading, reciting, and composing poetry. My real passion in life is for music, and I suppose that is what peotry is. Reading in a rythem. Thats what songs are aren't they? Clever lyrics, read (or sang) in a certain way that makes it appealing to listeners.
As a sixth grader my block class consisted of sixth graders through eigth graders. So we had a pretty wide range of skill in writing. But my favorite assignment was with poetry. First, we had to recite a poem of choice. I am proud to say I memorized the longest, and in my opinion, the most interesting peom. Mushrooms by Sylvia Plath. The best part was I didn't just memorize it. I really got to know the peom and it's deeper meaning and could therefore present it in a way that was much more entertaining to the audience. My class really liked it.
Afterwards, we wrote our own poem or riddle. I had, or course, writen poems before, but now I decided to try my hand at riddles. The guidelines were pretty loose, which is much better for me. I always write better quality when I have more room to be creative. I must say that I got really into this riddle. Many, many drafts and rewording. I counted out sylables, made stanza's rhym, and went back and did it all over again to make it even better. I know riddles shouldn't be really long, but mine ended up being a few pages long. I was pretty impressed with myself, and that doesn't happen too often. If I hadn't lost it I would copy it to this post, but I did, so tough luck. The answer was a shadow, if you were wondering.
This project was one of my favorites because I really enjoy peotry. Also, I worked really hard on it and made it amazing, so what's not to like?
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